Monday, August 24, 2009

How can I tell if my webcam will work with Yahoo! Messenger?

It's easy to test the compatibility of your webcam with Yahoo! Messenger.
If you are using Internet Explorer, this page automatically downloads the latest webcam control. Please be patient, as it might take a few moments.

If you're using another browser, like Firefox, copy the URL in the address bar and paste it into the address bar of an Internet Explorer browser. If you can see an image below, you should be able to use your webcam with Yahoo! Messenger.

If you're unable to see your image on the page, your webcam is likely not compatible with Yahoo! Messenger. Dang! I recommend you install the latest drivers for your web cam. These are usually found at the webcam manufacturer's web site.

Here's hoping your webcam's compatible with Yahoo! Messenger!

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