Friday, August 28, 2009

How to make "unbootable" in Yahoo chat!

Here is a simple tirck to get a unbootable on yahoo!chat without any tools.
  1. Open Preferences(Ctr+Shift+P)
  2. In general tabs:Unchecked "show Yahoo!Messenger insider"
  3. In alert&sound tabs:Unchecked"enable alert sound"
  4. In Chat tabs:Checked "Ignore chat invitation" and select radio Button On"strong" 
  5. In Ignore list tabs:Select radio Button"Ignore anyone who not on my messenger list.(please note if you select this option you will unable to accepted any Instant messenger from anyone counted any bot id)
  6. In Messenger tabs:Select radio button"show messages in a single window"
  7. Click APPLY and your Done.... Become a UNBOOTABLE user in yahoo Chat, happy chating!

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