Friday, August 28, 2009

How to Remove Yahoo Messy Advertisment

Use as your Own RISK!
If you install the newest Yahoo Messenger 7.5 + & Version 9.00
you'll notice a very annoying animated ads at the bottom of the main window.
To remove the Ads! Here is the Procedure!
  1. Open Notepad,
  2. Paste the following code on Notepad and save it as: somename.reg

"N2 Adurl"="*"
"Messenger Ad"="*"
"Address Book"="*"
"Change Room Banner"="*"
"Conf Adurl"="*"
"Chat Adurl"="*"
"Messenger Help"="*"
"Voice General Help"="*"
"Finance Disclaimer"="*"
"Webcam Upload Ad"="*"
"Webcam Viewer Ad"="*"
"Webcam Viewer Ad Big"="*"
"Webcam Viewer Ad Medium"="*"
"News Alert Ad URL"="*"
Double click the file ( say: somename.reg )
Click Yes
Its Done!! No more ads will be there in the yahoo messenger Window!

Reconection your Yahoo Voice

Here is a tutorial on how to avoid lost voice connection on Yahoo Messenger
Change your port into 8001

Start>> Run>> type in the box "regedit"
>>>Yahoo>>>Click on Pager Folder , you should see the
regskey on the right of panels , there is a DWORD Value call "Port"
<< double click on it >> In the Box Value Data change the
Value into "1f41" >>OK and reboot your Yahoo Messenger

How to Multiple login in yahoo!

You can login with multiple ID's on the same yahoo messenger.

Follow these steps : ==>>

  1. Go to Start ==> Run ==>> Type regedit,hit enter
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER ==>> Software ==>> Yahoo ==>> pager ==>>Test
  3. On the right pane ==>> right-click and choose new Dword value .
  4. Rename it as Plural.
  5. Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.
  6. Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger.
  7. For signing in with new id open another messenger .

Open Multi Yahoo! Messenger

Tips To Be Safed From Yahoo Messenger Hacking

Yahoo messenger has been one of the most popular and feature-ful
chat clients the world has seen. With plenty of options and buddies
around, you can not just leave Yahoo Messenger once you have grown
used to it. But where there is crowd, there are risk factors too.
Alarmingly people have lost their accounts to hackers and have
got millions of spyware and junk mails thanks to Yahoo messenger
and its spam friendly technology. How do you get the best out of
your chat buddy without risking your account?
Well, here is a complete guide that will help.

1. Avoid P2P file Sharing Through Yahoo Messenger

Be it known or unknown, prefer not to receive any file from
your friend unless you know what he is sharing and why.
Avoid downloading .exe or .zip files from them as they are
more likely to attack your computer or install trozans without
you being aware of it. Never trust a stranger when he asks you to
click on any site you haven't heard of.

2. Avoid Clicking on Spammy Links

If you were chatting with someone else and suddenly a
PM box flashes on the screen with a lucrative offer/interesting
site which has a spammy look, don't click on it. These websites
have a lot of spyware who get silently installed if you go and surf them.
Never download a toolbar unless its as authenticated as Yahoo's or

3. Use Ignore Option Effectively

Yahoo has an ignore option that lets you ban a person or mark as
spam so that he can't disturb you once again. Use that option effective.
Go to Yahoo Messenger main box -> Preferences -> Ignore List. If you
want to avoid talking to strangers (which I always recommend)i.e.
wanna talk to your buddies only, Check Ignore anyone.. option.
That helps you be safe and block on the unwanted and potential
hackers from reaching you. See the screen-shot below.

4. Use other yahoo 3rd party Chat Clients

Yahoo Messenger has too many loopholes. It doesn't have a
strong security to block contents either. So, if you want to get rid
of spams and porn contents all under one go, then you should
go for some popular and secure yahoo chat clients like Yazak,
y!supra. You can also go for Yah-Elite and Yam They may not have
the same sophisticated GUI or entertainment features but they will
increase the security of the chat sessions by many folds.

5. Always Use Newer Versions of Yahoo Messenger

Remember, the more you stay with the older versions
and feel lazy to get upgraded, the more you are helping the hackers.
Yahoo or any software, brings out these updates not only to extend
features but also due to security reasons. A newer version of yahoo
messenger 9 is hardly bootable by DoS attack whereas Yahoo
Messenger 7 can be booted out or hacked by a script kiddie.

6. Don't download Yahoo Plug-ins from Unauthorized source

Do not ever download a plug-in of Yahoo messenger from any
other site however lucrative it be. Plug-ins like these exploit the
vulnerability once installed and send your account details to a
third party revealing and cracking down your id. So, better be
safe than sorry. No?

7. Use Proxy if you have a Better Firewall

Yahoo also gives you option to change your proxy. Go to
Preferences and hunt down Proxy servers. You will see that
you can set your own proxy server so that Yahoo gets
redirected through yours giving you a better chance to
protect yourself and secure by your network. But if only
you have that faith on your network security.
You can change it by going to Yahoo Messenger
main box -> Preferences -> Connection

8. Use Word Filter

You can also use your word Filter in Yahoo messenger.
It just discards all the obscene or threatening words by
intelligent filtering system if you choose Strong option.
But be aware, there may be some times when your own
friend can get banned while cursing your jokingly.
Word filter is another good option to be within your
network and not let some specifically targeted
spammers to arrive. It increases security too.
You can change it by going to Yahoo Messenger
main box -> Preferences -> Chat.

9. Be sure to Delete Your Profile after Chatting from a
Public computer

Most of the users don't know about it. Whenever you sign in to
yahoo messenger, yahoo makes a profile of yours in the directory
Yahoo -> Messenger -> Profiles by the name of your yahoo id.
There is an option by default at Yahoo messenger that messages
will be saved as long as you are signed in to your account for that
session. A good hacker can have access to that file and decrypt
it to learn your private conversations.

What you must do if you are sharing a public computer to chat from,
s, you can change it by going to Yahoo Messenger main box ->
Preferences -> Archive. Change it to No, do not save any of my
messages and you are done. Oh don't forget to delete your profile
from Profiles inside Yahoo folder after you sign out.

10. Apply Your Common sense and Use a good Antivirus and anti
spyware software

Applying your common sense is the least you can do to prevent
your account from being hacked. A good anti-virus and anti-spyware
always warns you about dangers that you may have overlooked.
So its better to have them as well. If you implement the above 9 tips,
you won't need to worry much I gues until you personally hand over
your information to the person willing to crack your computer down.

Yahoo messenger is a very nice and useful place to meet new
buddies and get connected with the old ones. Just be safe and
secure and follow the above steps. You will be fine. Do you have
something to tip all of us? Why don't you share. We are waiting.

Recover your hacked Yahoo! account

When you or someone else enters an incorrect login multiple times then Yahoo! locks the account for security reasons and you are unable to access your chat names for the messenger also losing your only time for entertainment. Isn't it frustrating? Don't worry, now there is a method by which you can log into a locked Yahoo account.

Yahoo has servers all over the place. There are more than one would care to count. Lemme list some of the most used ones. All you have to do is paste one of these servers in your browser and log in on the page you see. Unless you have been locked on that server as well, you will receive a fresh cookie and will be able to log in to messenger again. There are so many servers out there that it is impossible to lock them all. Even if they could, the lock is only for about 12 hours, and then you’re back in business.


Yahoo Chat Logins HK Taiwan India Japan Korea Singapore Chinese China Asia Australia & Nz Denmark France Germany Italy Norway Spain Sweden Uk & Ireland Argentina Brazil South America Mexico Canada World of yahoo

Note: resource from

How To lock someone Yahoo ID

This tutorial For educated purpose only!
Follow step by step

  1. Go to Yahoo login pages 
  2. In the ox field insert yahoo id to want locked
  3. fill password field with any password
  4. Try in many times till you see yahoo has lock the yahoo id
  5. Please note yahoo ids will lock for 12 hours only!
Ok! next ... PEACE!

How to make "unbootable" in Yahoo chat!

Here is a simple tirck to get a unbootable on yahoo!chat without any tools.
  1. Open Preferences(Ctr+Shift+P)
  2. In general tabs:Unchecked "show Yahoo!Messenger insider"
  3. In alert&sound tabs:Unchecked"enable alert sound"
  4. In Chat tabs:Checked "Ignore chat invitation" and select radio Button On"strong" 
  5. In Ignore list tabs:Select radio Button"Ignore anyone who not on my messenger list.(please note if you select this option you will unable to accepted any Instant messenger from anyone counted any bot id)
  6. In Messenger tabs:Select radio button"show messages in a single window"
  7. Click APPLY and your Done.... Become a UNBOOTABLE user in yahoo Chat, happy chating!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Block an Email Address on Yahoo!

Sometimes advertising companies can get your email and send you annoying very frequent messages. Or, sometimes do you just want to block email from someone that got your address? Whatever you reason this article is sure to help you block an email address from sending you messages.


  1. Sign in to your Yahoo! Account. Type in your Yahoo! ID and password.
  2. Click on Mail. Click on your mailbox which reads Mail.
  3. Click Yahoo! Options. This is found in the right hand corner.
  4. Click on The Spam Box. There will be boxes going down the left hand side, click on spam.
  5. Find Block Email . Type in the email address of the person(S) you would like to block. You can block up to 500 email addresses on one account.


  • Make sure you know how to unblock it, if you ever need to.
  • Make sure your email address that you are trying to block includes the person's name,the at sign, and their email network.

Article provided by wikiHow

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Instant Message

Yahoo is one of the Web's most reliable and long-standing email providers. This service is free and it's fast and easy to set up your own email account at Yahoo. Enjoy the efficiency of corresponding in style with your new Yahoo Mail account.


  1. Visit the Yahoo! Mail home page to take the first step to creating your own email account at Yahoo (see Resources below).
  2. Click on the 'Sign Up' link that appears somewhere near the top of the Yahoo home page.
  3. Enter your name and other requested information in the fields provided.
  4. Create a username that you will be comfortable using for a long time and will identify you to your email recipients. Remember that you can use numbers and letters and even a single dot.
  5. Type the username you choose in the field provided. Check the availability of your username by clicking the box below that reads 'Check Availability of This ID.' You may have to think of an alternative username if your top choice is already taken by another Yahoo user.
  6. Choose a password when you have successfully entered a unique username. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and keep in mind that passwords are case-sensitive. You will be asked to type your password twice to ensure accuracy.
  7. Select a question from the following drop-down menu as your security question. Yahoo will ask you this question if you should forget your password in the future, in order to verify that you are the correct user.
  8. Type in your answer to the question in the field below.
  9. Enter your birth date, zip code and any other requested information in the fields provided. Entering an alternate email address is not required but it's good to give Yahoo personnel a place where you can be reached if for any reason you do not have access to your Yahoo account.
  10. Verify your registration by typing the characters you see shown in the last section of the registration page into the field provided.
  11. Read the Terms of Service thoroughly and print a copy for your records.
  12. Select 'I Agree.' You have successfully set up your Yahoo email account.


  • Choose a username that will identify you to your recipients and won't be mistaken for spam. Yahoo members often choose some variation of their birth names for their usernames.


  • Be sure to check your spelling when typing in your answer to the security question. If you spell it wrong during account setup, you may be denied access to your account later on.
  • Exercise caution when giving out information on the Web. Yahoo has a secure server but cannot guarantee your privacy when chatting with others online.
  • Computer with Internet access

Article provided by wikiHow,

Play Music in Yahoo Messenger Chat Room

This is how to play music in a chat room without a mic and speakers...You will play from your sound card. Most Sound cards will use Stereo Mixer and Mic.


  1. Right Click on the Volume control icon by your clock.
  3. Look at the top left corner for the word OPTIONS.
  4. Right click on OPTIONS then right click on PROPERTIES. A new page pops up called Properties.
  5. Change the dot from PLAYBACK to RECORDING.
  6. Look for two items ..... MIC and STEREO MIXER (it may also say WHAT YOU HEAR).
  7. Put a CHECK next to MIC and STEREO MIXER and uncheck anything else that was checked under recording.
  8. Click on OK. A new box will pop up on your desktop called RECORD CONTROL.
  9. Talk on MIC SIDE and play music on STEREO SIDE.
  10. Leave this box up while in chatroom playing tunes.
  11. Watch the green bars next to the talk button - green


  • Using a small mic-lock program such as Yahoo Talk Hold, allows you to lock the mic open to play the music without having to hold down the talk button manually.
  • If you have a cam with a mic on it , you'll need to unplug the cam while playing music. If you have a USB Mic you will also need to unplug it, for this will also override these instructions.
  • To bring the record control box back up after you have closed it you will do the following..

    • Go to icon by clock - right click on volume icon and go to adjust audio properties.
    • Go to volume control icon by clock and right click.
    • Go to adjust volume control
    • Look at the top tab for AUDIO.

  • Click on audio then go to the center of the page, you will see sound recording... click on the VOLUME button and the RECORD CONTROL box will pop up on desktop.


  • Enjoy the music and remember, don't have it too loud.

Article provided by wikiHow

Monday, August 24, 2009

How to View Someone's Webcam

You don't need to have a webcam on your computer to view someone else's webcam. Also, to view someone's webcam, you'll need to make sure that they are currently broadcasting their webcam.
You can use one of the following methods to view someone's webcam:
Method 1, using the Conversation window:
  • For Yahoo! Messenger 10 or later versions:
    • Click the Actions menu in the Conversation window, point to More Actions, and then click View Webcam.
  • For older versions of Yahoo! Messenger:
    • Click the Actions menu in the Conversation window and then click View Webcam.
Method 2, using the Chat window:
  1. Select your contact from the Chat List in the Chat window.
  2. Click the Actions menu in the Chat window and then click Contact Options.
  3. Click View Webcam.

How can I tell if my webcam will work with Yahoo! Messenger?

It's easy to test the compatibility of your webcam with Yahoo! Messenger.
If you are using Internet Explorer, this page automatically downloads the latest webcam control. Please be patient, as it might take a few moments.

If you're using another browser, like Firefox, copy the URL in the address bar and paste it into the address bar of an Internet Explorer browser. If you can see an image below, you should be able to use your webcam with Yahoo! Messenger.

If you're unable to see your image on the page, your webcam is likely not compatible with Yahoo! Messenger. Dang! I recommend you install the latest drivers for your web cam. These are usually found at the webcam manufacturer's web site.

Here's hoping your webcam's compatible with Yahoo! Messenger!

How do I install my webcam?

First, make sure you follow the instructions from your camera manufacturer to ensure the proper installation of your camera.
This involves inserting the camera installation CD, being guided through a few steps for installation, and restarting your computer. Plugging in the camera's USB cord at the incorrect time during the camera software installation procedure can cause various problems.
To reinstall your webcam:
Uninstall any existing camera installations. Click "Start," "Settings," "Control Panel," and "Add/Remove Programs." From the list, choose your webcam software and click Remove.
Unplug the camera's USB cord from the computer.
Reboot your computer.
Insert your camera's setup/installation CD.
Follow the instructions described by the camera setup program, and plug in your camera only when prompted. This is usually done after restarting your computer.

How do I send a text (SMS) message from Messenger?

Send text messages to friends who use any of the wireless carriers listed in this article, "What are the supported wireless carriers for text messaging?."
Here are three ways to start a text message. (Choose what's easiest!)
  1. Click the Actions menu in Yahoo! Messenger and select Send an SMS Message.
  2. Right-click the contact from the Messenger List and select Send an SMS Message.
  3. Click the text message icon in the address book.
OK, now enter your friend's mobile phone number. Make sure you add the country code for International numbers.
Country codes:
USA +1
Canada +1
India +91
Singapore +65
Thailand +66
Malaysia +60
Philippines +63

Type your message and click Send.
Note: To use the right-click menu or Address Book icon, you must have a mobile number listed in the Contact Details for that person.

Tips for Chatting Safely

Yahoo! Chat allows people from all over the world to chat, make friends and build communities. Yahoo! Chat can be an enriching experience but everyone should be aware that, like in any public area on the Internet or the "real world", there are people who want to take advantage of people’s trust.
To help create a safe chatting experience, we have put together this guide to help our customers protect themselves while online.
Creating an ID for Chatting
Each person who ventures online needs an ID—a unique nickname (or alias) that allows him or her to be recognized while participating in the Internet community.
Yahoo! Chat offers members the ability to chat under aliases, which allows them to hide their email addresses. We encourage you to use this feature to protect your identity and prevent random contact with people you do not know or trust. Here’s how.
Entering with an alias
Entering with an alias is easy. After you join a room (to do that, click the Messenger menu, click Yahoo! Chat, then Join a Room), just type an alias after "Enter Chat room as."
Remember, your alias is a way that others in the chat can identify you. Our recommendation is to NOT divulge any accurate personal information in your alias. You don't want strangers to know too much about you just from reading your ID.
Online IDs can communicate something about the person behind them, so be certain of what you are willing to share. For example, the name "Butterflyfan" communicates that a user might be fond of butterflies. There is little risk of someone being able to distinguish one fan of butterflies from the millions of others who exist in the world. On the other hand, the name "Butterflies4Jane" may go too far. It provides someone with a name—both a conversation starter and a misguided sense of familiarity.
When creating a new online ID, you may want to leave out the following personal information:
  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Family names
Whatever you choose, remember that your ID should be suitable, not too revealing, and (most important) fun!
Tips for Safe Chatting
Don’t chat about things that could enable a stranger to locate you. That includes your last name, the name of your school or workplace, the city you live in, and where you hang out.
Protect your info. Don’t put identifiable information in your user profile, including photos. What's uploaded to the Internet can be downloaded and shared by everyone. Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you, especially sexually suggestive images. Before uploading a photo, think about how you'd feel if it were seen by a parent, friend, or future employer.
Never meet with someone you encounter in a chat room unless you already know who they are.
Be honest about your age. Yahoo! Chat is restricted to users who are 18 years of age or older. If you are too young to sign up, do not attempt to lie about your age. Talk with your parents about alternative sites that may be appropriate for you.
Additional Resources
For more information about online safety, as well as how to handle and report abuse on Yahoo! Chat, please visit the following Yahoo! sites:
Online Safety
Acceptable behavior on Yahoo!
Report Abuse
Contact us

How to Change Your Password

Here's how to change your password in Yahoo! Messenger:

1. Select My Account Info from the "Messenger" menu. The "Sign in to Yahoo!" window will open.
2. Enter your current password in the "Password" field and click Sign In. The "Yahoo! Account Info" page will open.
3. Click Change Password.
4. Enter your current password in the "Enter your Current Password" field.
5. Enter your new password in the "Choose a New Password" field.
Note: To better protect your account, make sure that your password is memorable for you but difficult for others to guess. Never use the same password that you have used in the past, and do not share your password with anyone. For security purposes, your new password must be a minimum of six characters long. A good password contains a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (remember that your password is case sensitive), numbers, and special characters such as +, ?, and *. Case sensitive means that "PASSWORD" is not the same as "PaSsWoRd" is not the same as "password," so be sure to take this into account when making your choice.
6. In the "Confirm your New Password" field, confirm your new password by entering it again.
7. Click Save to put your new password into effect. You'll see a message that says you've successfully chosen a new password.
8. Click Continue. You'll be asked to review account sign-in settings. Make any updates to this information that you would like.
9. Click Continue again. You'll be returned to the "Yahoo! Account Info" page.
10. When you're done, be sure to click Finished.

Your password has now been updated. Your Yahoo! password will always apply to your entire Yahoo! account. This means that it will be valid not only for Yahoo! Messenger, but also for Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Chat, My Yahoo!, Yahoo! Finance, and all of the other Yahoo! personalized services.

Note: For additional information on choosing a strong password, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center.

Additional Information: See the related help article "Resetting Your Yahoo! ID and Password in Yahoo! Messenger After Changing Your Password Online" for additional information related to changing your password in Yahoo! Messenger.

Resetting Your Yahoo! ID and Password in Yahoo! Messenger After Changing Your Password Online

If you've recently changed your Yahoo! Account password online and have Yahoo! Messenger set to automatically save your Yahoo! ID and password, Yahoo! Messenger won't automatically obtain the updated password change information. So, if you have it set this way, you'll need re-set Yahoo! Messenger by manually entering your Yahoo! ID and the new password. Here's how:

1. On the main Yahoo! Messenger window, select your Yahoo! ID in the "Yahoo! ID" field and press Delete on your keyboard.
2. Re-enter your Yahoo! ID in the "Yahoo! ID" field.
3. Select your old password in the "Password" field and press Delete on your keyboard.
4. Enter your new password in the "Password" field.
5. Click Sign In.


Yahoo! Messenger (along with other networks such as Windows Live Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger) is often used as a conduit or "vector" for delivering malicious software such as spyware, viruses, worms, and trojans to unsuspecting computer users. The three methods used by hackers to deliver malware over the IM vector are (1) sending a file transfer with a virus-infected file, (2) delivering a message with socially engineered content containing a web address (URL) containing active malicious code and (3) sending specially crafted messages exploiting security vulnerabilities in the client software. Viruses and worms with colorful names such as W32.Yalove or W32/Spybot-MQ have been identified as targeting users of the Yahoo! Messenger network over the past few years.

The most common method of delivering a malicious payload is the use of social engineering to construct a message that appears to be coming from a contact on the recipient's contact list. A socially engineered message is one that is written in a friendly, informal manner, that could easily be mistaken as coming from a friend. The message usually will say something like "Click here to see pics of me from vacation!" or "Is this you?" with a web address—known as a "poison URL" -- for the recipient to click. Upon clicking the web address, the recipient is connected to a website containing active content, which is immediately downloaded to the recipient's computer. In most cases, the payload contains an installer, a number of hidden files containing text, and code which causes the same socially engineered message with poison URL to be sent to every contact on the contact list. When the message is sent to all contacts, the cycle starts again, as each contact believes they are receiving a message from a trusted friend. In this manner, IM-borne malware is capable of propagating very rapidly through company and external networks.

Worms and viruses are discovered on a regular basis by security companies, particularly by the three companies with IM-specific security products, Akonix Systems, FaceTime Communications, and Symantec. According to IM security researchers at Akonix, the number of new threats identified each month is 30 to 35, with a high of 88 in October, 2006.

More recent versions of Yahoo Messenger also behaves in a way similar to malware. The most recent version, upon install, will install Yahoo Toolbar in both Internet Explorer and FireFox. In addition, the default pages of the browsers are changed to point to Yahoo's main page. Yahoo Messenger also installs several files including something called 'Search Protection' that watches to see if the default searches are changed. All of this is done without warning or confirmation by the user. This has led a number of spyware tools such as HijackThis to specifically list Yahoo Messenger components in its scans.

Offline messaging

Offline messaging, a feature long offered by Yahoo!, allows online users to send messages to their contacts, even if said contacts are not signed in at the time. The sender's offline contacts will receive these messages when they next go online.

[edit] Interoperability

On October 13, 2005, Yahoo! and Microsoft announced plans to introduce interoperability between their two messengers, creating the second-largest real-time communications service userbase worldwide: 40 percent of all users (AIM currently holds 56 percent). The announcement comes after years of third-party interoperability success (most notably, Trillian, Pidgin) and criticisms that the major real-time communications services were locking their networks. Microsoft has also had talks with AOL in an attempt to introduce further interoperability, but so far, AOL seems unwilling to participate.

Interoperability between Yahoo! and Windows Live Messenger was launched July 12, 2006. This allows Yahoo! and Windows Live Messenger users to chat to each other without the need to create an account on the other service, provided both contacts use the latest versions of the clients. For now, it's impossible to talk using the voice service among both messengers.


Yahoo’s software now allows users with the most current updated versions (messenger 8 through 9) to utilize its webcam service. This option enables users from distances all over the world to view others who have installed a webcam on their end. The service is free with provided speeds averaging from a range in between 1 to 2 frames per second. The resolution of the images can be seen starting at 320 x 240 pixels or 160 x 120.


All versions of Yahoo! Messenger have included the ability to access Yahoo! Chat rooms. On June 19, 2005, with no advance warning, Yahoo! disabled users' ability to create their own chat rooms. The move came after KPRC-TV in Houston, Texas reported that many of the user-created rooms were geared toward pedophilia. Many regulars in these rooms used the rooms to set up meetings to have sex with children and trade lewd pictures. While it was thought this move came as a result of several advertisers pulling their ads from Yahoo!, a more likely cause was a $10 million lawsuit filed by watchdog groups of internet portals on behalf of a 12-year-old victim of molestation.[11].

Yahoo! has since closed down the site (which is now a redirect to a section of the Yahoo! Messenger page) because the great majority of chat users accessed it through Messenger. In August 2007, it began requiring word verification in order to use Yahoo! Chat. Officially, this is to guard against spammers and automated bots, which had been a source of frustration for many chatters (This method has proved highly unsuccessful, as many rooms now have more bots than users). However, as this also logs users' IP addresses, this feature could presumably be used to monitor against the type of behavior that prevailed in the pedophilia-oriented rooms. The company claims to be still working on a way to allow users to create their own rooms while providing safeguards against abuse.

As of November 2008, Yahoo's inability to control chat bots and spammers continues to be a major issue. Over 90% of all chat messages, even in supposedly family oriented chat rooms like genealogy, appear to be originated by automated spam bots spewing solicitations for adult activities, web cams and pictures.

On October 16, 2008, the Yahoo! Profiles community rolled out a new “beta” profile network with no prior announcement. According to customer feedback, the new profiles now resemble a “stripped-down version of MASH.”

This unexpected move resulted in hundreds of thousands of existing profiles being cleared of all information and images.